Monday, June 27, 2011

celly blast


At the risk of making this a hot-dogs only blog, I give you....

The potato salad dog. It happened in Syracuse, eating a cold hot dog out of a cooler from the previous night's bbq, ditto for the potato salad due to lack of condiments in the car. Dire circumstances call bring about brilliance. Note the shred of congealed American cheese from the dog's cold cheeseburger neighbor.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


I was hungry and there wasn't much around, so I scrounged in the fridge and came up with something pretty revolutionary (to me at least). It wound up being interesting, easy, and extremely delicious; if I had a food truck I would totally sell these.

On one half of this bread there is mayo, on the other half there is warm sauerkraut, mustard and black pepper. Then comes lettuce, sliced pickles and radish.

Pre-dog arial view, oh so nice



One problem I frequently have with hot dogs is temperature. Hot dogs are a go-to for a quick bite because you can nuke them in seconds and everything else is toppings...or if you have an extra minute you can stovetop them for that awesome blistery hot dog skin. The problem comes from the toppings: all the stuff I usually put on my dogs (ketchup, mustard, kraut, onions, etc) comes directly out of the ol' icebox. Put a bunch of cold ketchup and kraut on a warm dog and....not so hot, dog. (sorry) The solution is pretty easy though--just throw a little kraut or chopped onion or relish or what have you into the microwave for a few seconds and presto! The Kase of the Kold Ketchup is solved. (sorry again)